

Abacus is a very popular Chinese tool used for doing Mathematical Calculations with great speed and accuracy. It's the most simple and practical way to learn Mathematics & ABACUS has a plastic frame with colorful beads on it that are used for counting & doing the developing one's Brainpower! Abacus uses Math as the base subject. (Graphic of Abacus) Modern Day mathematical operations. Each bead has got a value. Moving the beads up and down does the calculations. We have a Large, Display or The Master Abacus used by Course Instructors for Illustrations in the class. The Student Abacus on the other hand is very light and can be easily carried by children. Abacus is virtually seen as the ultimate Brainpower Development Program for today's children! It lays foundation for a strong Mathematical Aptitude & Improves Performance in all other areas. Foreseen as the WONDER PROGRAM and often called as Math's Magic, the use of Abacus lays foundation for ABACUS MENTAL ARITHMETIC.

Human Mind

The human mind is marvelous. It is naturally curious. It is continually learning and adapting to changing situations. It receives and processes data from our multiple senses. It poses and solves a wide range of problems. It can develop a high level of expertise in solving many different kinds of problems. Over recorded history, people have worked to develop aids for the human mind and sensory system. Some of these aids are designed to overcome physical limitations of the mind/body. Examples include eye glasses, hearing aids, telescopes, and microscopes. Other tools people have developed are designed specifically to aid the human mind. Examples include reading, writing, arithmetic, and the abacus. Abacus has changed the way of calculations. I-Max Abacus Academy intends to reach to every child to get help from his own source of energy disclosed in his mind. Abacus education primarily used for mental calculations. This concept is very popular and very well accepted in US, UK, China, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, and Russia etc. and in many of these countries is being taught as a compulsory subject in the school education. It started in India, five years back in southern states and has got an overwhelming response from the parents.

Benefit of imax Abacus

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Better Creativity
& Imagination Skills

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Speed & Accuracy

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Listening Power, Mental Calculation, Enhance Brain & Memory Power

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Brain gym – an exercise program for healthy brain functioning

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Improve Mental
Arithmetic Calculation

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Greater Concentration Focus

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Improve Mental
Arithmetic Calculation

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Greater Concentration Focus

Levels 8 +2 Levels.
Course Duration 2 years (Each level of 3 months)
Sessions Once a week (2 hours each)
Course Staff 2 Teachers
Eligibility Students should be in age group of 5 to 14 years
Course Kit
  • Abacus classes for kids have different books for each level including the speed writing book.
  • Book is structured level-wise and day-wise for better understanding of abacus for kids.
  • 15 rod abacus with pouch.
  • I-Max Abacus T-shirt and Bag.
  • Stationery, Pencil, Sharpener Etc.