Creative Arts

Creative Arts

I-Max is proud to announce the launch of an arts program for children. This is a professional arts program designed by Creative Art Academy. This Program awakens the interest in the Drawing & Coloring in children. Creative Art helps in the development of Creativity and imagination skills. The Creative Art Programme in India caters to children in the age group of 4 -15 years and aims at enhancing creativity.

This Creative Art is specially designed to provide students with an easy and effective method to develop their drawing skills. Through our complete and systematic programme, students are able to develop their Drawing skills, and creative thinking in art.

Benefits of Creative Arts

  • Enhances the child's natural ability to observe, analyze & be creative.
  • Easy & fun to learn .
  • Increases Confidence and Smartness.
  • International training program managed by I-Max Academy.
  • On successful completion of the assessment the child goes on to the next level Certificates are issued on completion of EVERY LEVEL.

Course Structure

The program is offered as 6 levels of 16 classes each Level. Normally a level is for a period of 4 months duration, and each class is for 2 hours duration once in a week.

Course Structure

  • Bag
  • T- Shirts
  • Books
  • Colors
  • Drawing Pencils
  • Eraser
  • Sharpner
Levels 8 +2 Levels.
Course Duration 2 years (Each level of 3 months)
Sessions Once a week (2 hours each)
Course Staff 2 Teachers
Eligibility Students should be in age group of 5 to 14 years
Course Kit
  • Abacus classes for kids have different books for each level including the speed writing book.
  • Book is structured level-wise and day-wise for better understanding of abacus for kids.
  • 15 rod abacus with pouch.
  • I-Max Abacus T-shirt and Bag.
  • Stationery, Pencil, Sharpener Etc.